netcdf wis/Atlantic/ST63072/1995/ { dimensions: waveDirectionBins = 72; waveFrequency = 29; time = 672; variables: double station_name; :cf_role = "timeseries_id"; :short_name = "station_name"; :units = "none"; :long_name = "station name"; double longitude; :units = "degrees_east"; :long_name = "longitude"; :standard_name = "longitude"; :short_name = "lon"; double latitude; :units = "degrees_north"; :long_name = "latitude"; :standard_name = "latitude"; :short_name = "lat"; double waveHsWindsea(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :long_name = "Significant Wave Height Windsea"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wind_wave_significant_height"; :description = "Zeroth Moment Wave Height of the windsea wave spectrum"; :short_name = "Hs_wndsea"; :units = "m"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveSpreadWindsea(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :units = "degree"; :long_name = "Direction Spread Windsea"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :description = "Direction spread of the windsea wave spectrum"; :short_name = "Wave Spread Windsea"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveTm2Windsea(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :long_name = "2nd Moment Mean Spectral Period Windsea"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wind_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment"; :description = "Period for the 2nd moment mean of the windsea energy density spectrum"; :short_name = "Tm2_windsea"; :units = "s"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveHs(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :long_name = "Significant Wave Height"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_significant_height"; :description = "Zeroth Moment Wave Height of the Wave Spectrum"; :short_name = "Hs"; :units = "m"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveMeanDirection(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :long_name = "Mean Wave Direction"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_from_direction"; :description = "Mean wave direction from true north"; :short_name = "Wave Direction"; :units = "degree"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveTm1Windsea(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :long_name = "1st Moment Mean Spectral Period Windsea"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wind_wave_mean_period_from variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment"; :description = "Period for the 1st moment mean of the windsea energy density spectrum"; :short_name = "Tm1_windsea"; :units = "s"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double frictionalVelocity(time=672); :short_name = "ustar"; :long_name = "Frictional Velocity"; :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :units = "m s-1"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveTpPeakSwell(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :units = "s"; :long_name = "Peak Spectral Period Swell"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :description = "Period of the peak of the swell energy density spectrum"; :short_name = "Tp_swell"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveMeanDirectionSwell(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :long_name = "Mean Wave Direction Swell"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_swell_wave_from_direction"; :description = "Mean wave direction from true north swell"; :short_name = "Wave Direction Swell"; :units = "degree"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveTpPeakWindsea(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :units = "s"; :long_name = "Peak Spectral Period Windsea"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :description = "Period of the peak of the windsea energy density spectrum"; :short_name = "Tp_windsea"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveSpread(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :units = "degree"; :long_name = "Direction Spread"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :description = "Direction spread of the wave spectrum"; :short_name = "Wave Spread"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveSpreadSwell(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :units = "degree"; :long_name = "Direction Spread Swell"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :description = "Direction spread of the swell wave spectrum"; :short_name = "Wave Spread Swell"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveTmWindsea(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :short-name = "Tm_windsea"; :long_name = "Mean Spectral Period Windsea"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wind_wave_mean_period_from variance_spectral_density_inverse_frequency_moment"; :description = "Period for the mean of the windsea energy density spectrum"; :units = "s"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveDirectionBins(waveDirectionBins=72); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :units = "degree"; :long_name = "Band Center Direction"; :short_name = "Direction"; :_ChunkSizes = 72U; // uint double waveTpPeak(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :units = "s"; :long_name = "Peak Spectral Period"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :description = "Period of the peak of the energy density spectrum"; :short_name = "Tp"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveTmSwell(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :short-name = "Tm_swell"; :long_name = "Mean Spectral Period Swell"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_swell_wave_mean_period_from variance_spectral_density_inverse_frequency_moment"; :description = "Period for the mean of the swell energy density spectrum"; :units = "s"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveTm2Swell(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :long_name = "2nd Moment Mean Spectral Period Swell"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_swell_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment"; :description = "Period for the 2nd moment mean of the swell energy density spectrum"; :short_name = "Tm2_swell"; :units = "s"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveTpWindsea(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :long_name = "Peak Spectral Period Windsea"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wind_wave_period"; :description = "Period at the peak of the windsea energy density spectrum"; :short_name = "Tp_windsea"; :units = "s"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveStress(time=672); :short_name = "waveStress"; :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :units = "1"; :long_name = "Wave Stress ratio of stress associated with waves to total stress"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double coefficientOfDrag(time=672); :long_name = "Non-dimensional Drag Coefficient * 1000"; :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :units = "1"; :short_name = "CD"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveTm1Swell(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :long_name = "1st Moment Mean Spectral Period Swell"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_swell_wave_mean_period_from variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment"; :description = "Period for the 1st moment mean of the swell energy density spectrum"; :short_name = "Tm1_swell"; :units = "s"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveTpSwell(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :long_name = "Peak Spectral Period Swell"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_swell_wave_period"; :description = "Period of the peak of the swell energy density spectrum"; :short_name = "Tp_swell"; :units = "s"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double windDirection(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :long_name = "Wind Direction"; :standard_name = "wind_from_direction"; :description = "Wind Direction at 10-m elevation"; :short_name = "Wind Direction"; :units = "degree"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveTm1(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :long_name = "1st Moment Mean Spectral Period"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment"; :description = "Period for the 1st moment mean of the energy density spectrum"; :short_name = "Tm1"; :units = "s"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveFrequency(waveFrequency=29); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 5L; // long :units = "s-1"; :long_name = "Band Center Frequency"; :standard_name = "wave_frequency"; :short_name = "Frequency"; :_ChunkSizes = 29U; // uint double waveTm2(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :long_name = "2nd Moment Mean Spectral Period"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment"; :description = "Period for the 2nd moment mean of the energy density spectrum"; :short_name = "Tm2"; :units = "s"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveMeanDirectionWindsea(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :long_name = "Mean Wave Direction Windsea"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wind_wave_from_direction"; :description = "Mean wave direction from true north windsea"; :short_name = "Wave Direction Windsea"; :units = "degree"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveTp(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :long_name = "Parabolic Fit to the Peak Spectral Period"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum"; :description = "Parabolic fit to the period of the peak of the energy density spectrum"; :short_name = "Tp"; :units = "s"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveHsSwell(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :long_name = "Significant Wave Height Swell"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_swell_wave_significant_height"; :description = "Zeroth Moment Wave Height of the swell wave spectrum"; :short_name = "Hs_swell"; :units = "m"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double windSpeed(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :long_name = "Wind Speed"; :standard_name = "wind_speed"; :description = "Wind speed at 10-m elevation"; :short_name = "Wind Speed"; :units = "m s-1"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double waveTm(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :short-name = "Tm"; :long_name = "Mean Spectral Period"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from variance_spectral_density_inverse_frequency_moment"; :description = "Period for the mean of the energy density spectrum"; :units = "s"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double time(time=672); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"; :long_name = "UTC sample time"; :standard_name = "time"; :calendar = "standard"; :short_name = "time"; :_ChunkSizes = 672U; // uint double directionalWaveEnergyDensity(time=672, waveFrequency=29, waveDirectionBins=72); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 5L; // long :long_name = "2D Energy Density Spectrum"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_directional_variance_spectral_density"; :description = "Directional energy density spectrum of the sea surface toward true north (OCEAN convention)"; :short_name = "2D Energy Density"; :units = "m2 s rad-1"; :direction_convention = "toward"; :coordinates = "frequency direction lat lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 336U, 15U, 36U; // uint // global attributes: :origin = "Wave Information Study"; :comment = "none"; :Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, CF-1.6"; :format_version = "v1.0"; :contact_info = "USACE Wave Information Study"; :data_datum = "None"; :contributor_role = "Principle Investigator"; :keywords = "Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Frequency, Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Height, Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Length, Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Period, Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Spectra, Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Speed/Direction, Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wind Waves, DOD > DOD/USARMY/USACE/ERDC/CHL/WIS > Wave Information Study, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, Engineer Research and Development Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, U.S. Department of Defense, sea_surface_wave_variance_spectral_density, sea_surface_wave_significant_height, sea_surface_wave_from_direction"; :Conventions = "CF-1.6"; :publisher_name = "USACE Wave Information Study"; :data_units = "Metric"; :infoUrl = ""; :time_datum = "UTC"; :geospatial_vertical_max = "none"; :title = "WIS Atlantic Hindcast"; :standard_name_vocabulary = "CFv25"; :source = "Numerical wave model results"; :publisher_url = ""; :creator_name = "USACE Wave Information Study"; :type = "1 hr wave parameter and 2D spectra"; :processing_level = "L1"; :featureType = "timeSeries"; :publisher_email = ""; :sourceUrl = ""; :description = "Modeled Wave Information Study Results"; :data_type = "Station file"; :creator_email = ""; :processing = "historical"; :contact_role = "Coastal Observation and Data Study Program"; :geospatial_vertical_min = "none"; :organization = "USACE Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory Wave Information Study"; :keywords_vocabulary = "Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Earth Science Keywords; CF Standard Name Table (v23, 23 March 2013)"; :institution = "U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory"; :contributor_name = "P.I. of Wave Information Study"; :geospatial_vertical_resolution = "none"; :license = "These data may be redistributed and used without restriction. Data are intended for scholarly use by the research community, with the express agreement that users will properly acknowledge the USACE Wave Information Study and the supporting investigator(s). Use or reproduction of these data for commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written permission."; :acknowledgement = "USACE Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, WIS team"; :summary = "The Wave Information Studies (WIS) is a US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) sponsored project that generates consistent, hourly, long-term (30+ years) wave climatologies along all US coastlines, including the Great Lakes and US island territories."; :project = "Wave Information Study"; :cdm_data_type = "Station"; :contact = "Wave Information Study"; :geospatial_vertical_positive = "up"; :creator_url = ""; :model = "WaveWatch III version 4.16"; :geospatial_vertical_units = "m"; :history = "The Wave Information Studies (WIS) is a US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) sponsored project that generates consistent, hourly, long-term (30+ years) wave climatologies along all US coastlines, including the Great Lakes and US island territories."; :date_created = "Thu Oct 10 18:09:53 2019"; :date_issued = "Thu Oct 10 18:09:53 2019"; :created_on = "Cray XE6 Garnet"; :depth = -999.99; // double :station = "63072"; :geospatial_lat_min = 41.333328; // double :geospatial_lat_max = 41.333328; // double :geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north"; :geospatial_lon_min = -69.666603; // double :geospatial_lon_max = -69.666603; // double :geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east"; }