netcdf cmtb/integratedBathyProduct/survey/survey.ncml { dimensions: xFRF = 271; yFRF = 1040; time = 145; variables: double xFRF(xFRF=271); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :units = "m"; :long_name = "cross-shore position of each node - m"; :short_name = "xFRF"; double yFRF(yFRF=1040); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :long_name = "along-shore position of each node - m"; :short_name = "yFRF"; :units = "m"; double latitude(yFRF=1040, xFRF=271); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :units = "Degrees"; :standard_name = "latitude"; :long_name = "Latitude of each bathymetry node in decimal degrees"; :short_name = "lat"; double longitude(yFRF=1040, xFRF=271); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :units = "Degrees"; :standard_name = "longitude"; :long_name = "Longitude of each bathymetry node in decimal degrees"; :short_name = "lon"; double time(time=145); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00"; :standard_name = "time"; :calendar = "gregorian"; :short_name = "time"; double elevation(time=145, yFRF=1040, xFRF=271); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :least_significant_digit = 2L; // long :units = "m"; :long_name = "bed elevation for the bathymetry nodes"; :short_name = "bathy"; double surveyNumber(time=145); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :units = ""; :long_name = "The most recent survey incorporated into the bathymetry at this index"; :coordinates = ""; :description = "The number of the most recent survey incorporated into the bathymetry at this index"; :short_name = "surveyNum"; double y_smooth(time=145); :description = "The alongshore smoothing scale used for the new survey data that is integrated into the background"; :long_name = "Alongshore smoothing scale used for the new survey data"; :coordinates = ""; :short_name = "ySmooth"; :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :units = "m"; double updateTime(time=145, yFRF=1040, xFRF=271); :_FillValue = -999.0; // double :units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00"; :calendar = "gregorian"; :short_name = "updateTime"; // global attributes: :origin = "USACE/CHL/COAB"; :Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, CF-1.6"; :format_version = "v1.0"; :contact_info = "USACE/CHL/COAB"; :geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north"; :cross_shore_angle_description = "cross shore angle at the USACE FRF site in DUCK, NC, clockwise from true north"; :geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east"; :contributor_role = "USACE/CHL/COAB"; :keywords = "DOD/USARMY/USACE/CHL/FRF > Field Research Facility, Coastal And Hydraulics Laboratory, U. S. Army Corps Of Engineers, U.S. Army, U. S. Department Of Defense,\n"; :summary = "This is today\'s gridded bathymetry. This is created for use in the Coastal Model Test bed. this is an evolving grid updated with the most recent bathymetry that are measured using the FRF monthly surveys if not more often during projects. User must be aware that positional coordinate error grows with distance from FRF origin\n"; :publisher_name = "USACE/CHL/COAB"; :id = "Todays Bathy"; :naming_authority = "FRF"; :infoUrl = ""; :license = "These data may be redistributed and used without restriction. . Data are intended for scholarly use by the research community, with the express agreement that users will properly acknowledge the USACE Field Research Facility and the supporting investigator(s). Use or reproduction of these data for commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written permission.\n"; :geospatial_vertical_max = 0L; // long :title = "todays Bathymetry grid"; :standard_name_vocabulary = "CFv25"; :institution = "USACE/CHL/COAB"; :platform = "Model Test Bed"; :publisher_url = ""; :organization = "USACE/CHL/COAB"; :cross_shore_angle = 71.8; // double :processing_level = "L1"; :featureType = "bathymetry grid"; :publisher_email = ""; :sourceUrl = "(local files)"; :creator_email = ""; :processing = "realtime"; :contact_role = "Owner"; :metadata_link = "N/A"; :geospatial_vertical_min = 0L; // long :time_coverage_start = "2015-09-18T22:00:00Z"; :creator_url = ""; :keywords_vocabulary = "FGlobal Change Master Directory (GCMD) Earth Science Keywords; CF Standard Name Table (v23, 23 March 2013)"; :geospatial_vertical_origin = "sea surface"; :contributor_name = "USACE/CHL/COAB"; :geospatial_vertical_resolution = 0L; // long :creator_name = "USACE/CHL/COAB"; :acknowledgement = "Data are provided by the Field Research Facility; Coastal Observations & Analysis Branch; US Army Corps of Engineers, Duck, North Carolina.\n"; :time_coverage_end = "2015-09-18T22:00:00Z"; :Conventions = "CF-1.6"; :project = "USACE/COAB Coastal Model Test Bed"; :contact = "USACE/CHL/COAB"; :source = "file made locally"; :geospatial_vertical_positive = "up"; :date_created = "2020-10-21"; :date_issued = "2020-10-21"; :geospatial_vertical_units = "m"; :deployment_start = "2015-09-18T22:00:00Z"; :history = "file made locally"; }