netcdf buoys/NDBC/42003/2014/ { dimensions: time = 395; nchar = 395; waveFrequency_47 = 47; variables: double time(time=395); :units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00"; :long_name = "time"; :standard_name = "time"; :axis = "T"; float depth(time=395); :units = "m"; :_FillValue = -999.99f; // float :long_name = "sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level"; :standard_name = "sea_floor_depth_below_mean_sea_level"; :description_name = "Source:NDBC metadata spreadsheet (DiNapoli, 2021"; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int depthFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "depth flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "depthFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; char hull(nchar=395, time=395); :long_name = "NDBC hull type"; :standard_name = "NDBC_hull_type"; :description_name = "Source:NDBC metadata spreadsheet (DiNapoli, 2021"; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int hullFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "hull flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "hullFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; double latitude(time=395); :units = "degrees_north"; :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :axis = "Y"; :standard_name = "latitude"; :description_name = "latitude"; int latitudeFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "latitude flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "latitudeFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; double longitude(time=395); :units = "degrees_east"; :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :axis = "X"; :standard_name = "longitude"; :description_name = "longitude"; int longitudeFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "longitude flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "longitudeFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; float meanWaveDirection(time=395); :units = "degT"; :_FillValue = -999.99f; // float :long_name = "sea_surface_wave_from_direction"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_from_direction"; :description_name = "The direction from which the waves at the dominant period are coming. The units are degrees from true North, increasing clockwise, with North as 0 (zero) degrees and East as 90 degrees (NDBC,2018)."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int meanWaveDirectionFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "mean wave direction flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "meanWaveDirectionFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; char meanWaveDirectionMetadata(nchar=395, time=395); :long_name = "sea_surface_wave_from_direction_metadata"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_from_direction_metadata"; :description_name = "sea surface wave from direction metadata. Source:NDBC metadata spreadsheet (DiNapoli, 2021) / NDBC NCEI netCDF metadata."; int meanWaveDirectionMetadataFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "mean wave direction metadata flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "meanWaveDirectionMetadataFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; char mooring(nchar=395, time=395); :long_name = "NDBC mooring type"; :standard_name = "NDBC_mooring_type"; :description_name = "Source:NDBC metadata spreadsheet (DiNapoli, 2021"; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int mooringFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "mooring flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "mooringFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; char payload(nchar=395, time=395); :long_name = "NDBC payload type"; :standard_name = "NDBC_payload_type"; :description_name = "Source:NDBC metadata spreadsheet (DiNapoli, 2021"; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int payloadFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "payload flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "payloadFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; float surfaceAirPressure(time=395); :units = "hPa"; :_FillValue = -999.99f; // float :long_name = "air_pressure"; :standard_name = "air_pressure"; :description_name = "Sea level pressure (hPa). For the Great Lakes buoys, the recorded pressure is reduced to sea level using the method described in NWS Technical Procedures Bulletin 291 (11/14/80) (NDBC,2018)."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int surfaceAirPressureFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "surface air pressure flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "surfaceAirPressureFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; char surfaceAirPressureMetadata(nchar=395, time=395); :long_name = "air_pressure_metadata"; :standard_name = "air_pressure_metadata"; :description_name = "air pressure metadata. Source:NDBC metadata spreadsheet (DiNapoli, 2021) / NDBC NCEI netCDF metadata."; int surfaceAirPressureMetadataFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "surface air pressure metadata flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "surfaceAirPressureMetadataFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; float surfaceAirTemperature(time=395); :units = "Celsius"; :_FillValue = -999.99f; // float :long_name = "air_temperature"; :standard_name = "air_temperature"; :description_name = "Air temperature (Celsius) (NDBC,2018)."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int surfaceAirTemperatureFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "surface air temperature flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "surfaceAirTemperatureFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; char surfaceAirTemperatureMetadata(nchar=395, time=395); :long_name = "air_temperature_metadata"; :standard_name = "air_temperature_metadata"; :description_name = "air temperature metadata. Source:NDBC metadata spreadsheet (DiNapoli, 2021) / NDBC NCEI netCDF metadata."; int surfaceAirTemperatureMetadataFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "surface air temperature metadata flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "surfaceAirTemperatureMetadataFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; float surfaceDewPointTemperature(time=395); :units = "Celsius"; :_FillValue = -999.99f; // float :long_name = "dew_point_temperature"; :standard_name = "dew_point_temperature"; :description_name = "Dewpoint temperature taken at the same height as the air temperature measurement (NDBC,2018)."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int surfaceDewPointTemperatureFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "surface dew point temperature flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "surfaceDewPointTemperatureFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; char surfaceDewPointTemperatureMetadata(nchar=395, time=395); :long_name = "dew_point_temperature_metadata"; :standard_name = "dew_point_temperature_metadata"; :description_name = "dew point temperature metadata. Source:NDBC metadata spreadsheet (DiNapoli, 2021) / NDBC NCEI netCDF metadata."; int surfaceDewPointTemperatureMetadataFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "surface dew point temperature metadata flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "surfaceDewPointTemperatureMetadataFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; float surfaceSeaTemperature(time=395); :units = "Celsius"; :_FillValue = -999.99f; // float :long_name = "sea_surface_temperature"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_temperature"; :description_name = "Sea surface temperature (Celsius) (NDBC,2018)."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int surfaceSeaTemperatureFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "surface sea temperature flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "surfaceSeaTemperatureFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; char surfaceSeaTemperatureMetadata(nchar=395, time=395); :long_name = "sea_surface_temperature_metadata"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_temperature_metadata"; :description_name = "sea surface temperature metadata. Source:NDBC metadata spreadsheet (DiNapoli, 2021) / NDBC NCEI netCDF metadata."; int surfaceSeaTemperatureMetadataFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "surface sea temperature metadata flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "surfaceSeaTemperatureMetadataFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; double waveFrequency_47(waveFrequency_47=47); :units = "Hz"; :long_name = "waveFrequency_47"; double waveAlpha1_47Frequencies(time=395, waveFrequency_47=47); :units = "degT"; :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :long_name = "mean_wave_direction_for_each_spectrum_frequency_bin_of_the_sea_surface"; :standard_name = "mean_wave_direction_at_specified_frequency"; :description_name = "alpha1 is the mean wave direction, in degrees from true North, for each spectrum frequency bin of the sea surface"; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int waveAlpha1_47FrequenciesFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wave alpha1 47 frequencies flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "waveAlpha1_47FrequenciesFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; double waveAlpha2_47Frequencies(time=395, waveFrequency_47=47); :units = "degT"; :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :long_name = "principal_wave_direction_for_each_spectrum_frequency_bin_of_the_sea_surface"; :standard_name = "principal_wave_direction_at_specified_frequency"; :description_name = "alpha2 is the principal wave direction, in degrees from true North, for each spectrum frequency bin of the sea surface. alpha2 has ambiguous results in using the arctangent function with the Fourier Coefficients (b2,a2). When necessary, NDBC adds 180 degrees to alpha2 in order to minimize the difference between alpha1 and alpha2"; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int waveAlpha2_47FrequenciesFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wave alpha2 47 frequencies flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "waveAlpha2_47FrequenciesFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; double waveEnergyDensity_47Frequencies(time=395, waveFrequency_47=47); :units = "m2/Hz"; :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :long_name = "sea_surface_wave_variance_spectral_density"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_variance_spectral_density"; :description_name = "Energy density, displacement in m2/Hz, for each frequency bin"; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int waveEnergyDensity_47FrequenciesFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wave energy density 47 frequencies flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "waveEnergyDensity_47FrequenciesFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; double waveEnergyDensityUncorrected_47Frequencies(time=395, waveFrequency_47=47); :units = "(m/s2)2/Hz"; :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :long_name = "sea_surface_wave_variance_spectral_density_uncorrected"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_variance_spectral_density_uncorrected"; :description_name = "Uncorrected energy density, acceleration in (m/s2)2/Hz, for each frequency bin"; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int waveEnergyDensityUncorrected_47FrequenciesFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wave energy density uncorrected 47 frequencies flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "waveEnergyDensityUncorrected_47FrequenciesFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; float waveHs(time=395); :units = "m"; :_FillValue = -999.99f; // float :long_name = "sea_surface_significant_wave_height"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_significant_wave_height"; :description_name = "Significant wave height (meters) is calculated as the average of the highest one-third of all of the wave heights during the 20-minute sampling period (NDBC,2018)."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int waveHsFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wave hs flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "waveHsFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; char waveHsMetadata(nchar=395, time=395); :long_name = "sea_surface_significant_wave_height_metadata"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_significant_wave_height_metadata"; :description_name = "sea surface significant wave height metadata. Source:NDBC metadata spreadsheet (DiNapoli, 2021) / NDBC NCEI netCDF metadata."; int waveHsMetadataFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wave hs metadata flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "waveHsMetadataFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; double waveR1_47Frequencies(time=395, waveFrequency_47=47); :units = "unitless"; :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :long_name = "first_normalized_polar_coordinate_of_the_Fourier_coefficients"; :standard_name = "first_normalized_polar_coordinate_of_the_Fourier_coefficients"; :description_name = "r1 is the nondimensional first normalized polar coordinates of the Fourier coefficients"; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int waveR1_47FrequenciesFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wave r1 47 frequencies flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "waveR1_47FrequenciesFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; double waveR2_47Frequencies(time=395, waveFrequency_47=47); :units = "unitless"; :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :long_name = "second_normalized_polar_coordinate_of_the_Fourier_coefficients"; :standard_name = "second_normalized_polar_coordinate_of_the_Fourier_coefficients"; :description_name = "r2 is the nondimensional second normalized polar coordinates of the Fourier coefficients"; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int waveR2_47FrequenciesFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wave r2 47 frequencies flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "waveR2_47FrequenciesFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; float waveTm(time=395); :units = "s"; :_FillValue = -999.99f; // float :long_name = "sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment"; :description_name = "Average wave period (seconds) of all waves during the 20-minute period (NDBC,2018)."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int waveTmFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wave tm flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "waveTmFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; char waveTmMetadata(nchar=395, time=395); :long_name = "sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment_metadata"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment_metadata"; :description_name = "sea surface wave mean period from variance spectral density second frequency moment metadata. Source:NDBC metadata spreadsheet (DiNapoli, 2021) / NDBC NCEI netCDF metadata."; int waveTmMetadataFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wave tm metadata flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "waveTmMetadataFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; float waveTp(time=395); :units = "s"; :_FillValue = -999.99f; // float :long_name = "sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum"; :description_name = "Dominant wave period (seconds) is the period with the maximum wave energy (NDBC,2018)."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int waveTpFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wave tp flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "waveTpFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; char waveTpMetadata(nchar=395, time=395); :long_name = "sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum_metadata"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum_metadata"; :description_name = "sea surface wave period at variance spectral density maximum metadata. Source:NDBC metadata spreadsheet (DiNapoli, 2021) / NDBC NCEI netCDF metadata."; int waveTpMetadataFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wave tp metadata flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "waveTpMetadataFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; float windDirection(time=395); :units = "degT"; :_FillValue = -999.99f; // float :long_name = "wind_from_direction"; :standard_name = "wind_from_direction"; :description_name = "Wind direction (the direction the wind is coming from in degrees clockwise from true N) during the same period used for wind speed (NDBC,2018)."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int windDirectionFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wind direction flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "windDirectionFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; char windDirectionMetadata(nchar=395, time=395); :long_name = "wind_from_direction_metadata"; :standard_name = "wind_from_direction_metadata"; :description_name = "wind direction metadata. Source:NDBC metadata spreadsheet (DiNapoli, 2021) / NDBC NCEI netCDF metadata."; int windDirectionMetadataFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wind direction metadata flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "windDirectionMetadataFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; float windGust(time=395); :units = "m/s"; :_FillValue = -999.99f; // float :long_name = "wind_speed_of_gust"; :standard_name = "wind_speed_of_gust"; :description_name = "Peak 5 or 8 second gust speed (m/s). (NDBC,2018)."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int windGustFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wind gust flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "windGustFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; char windGustMetadata(nchar=395, time=395); :long_name = "wind_speed_of_gust_metadata"; :standard_name = "wind_speed_of_gust_metadata"; :description_name = "wind gust metadata. Source:NDBC metadata spreadsheet (DiNapoli, 2021) / NDBC NCEI netCDF metadata."; int windGustMetadataFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wind gust metadata flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "windGustMetadataFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; float windSpeed(time=395); :units = "m/s"; :_FillValue = -999.99f; // float :long_name = "wind_speed"; :standard_name = "wind_speed"; :description_name = "wind speed (m/s) (NDBC,2018)."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; int windSpeedFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wind speed flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "windSpeedFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :coordinates = "latitude longitude"; char windSpeedMetadata(nchar=395, time=395); :long_name = "wind_speed_metadata"; :standard_name = "wind_speed_metadata"; :description_name = "wind speed metadata. Source:NDBC metadata spreadsheet (DiNapoli, 2021) / NDBC NCEI netCDF metadata."; int windSpeedMetadataFlag(time=395); :units = "none"; :_FillValue = -999; // int :long_name = "wind speed metadata flag"; :standard_name = "quality_flag"; :description_name = "windSpeedMetadataFlagQualityFlag. Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; // global attributes: :id = "42003"; :naming_authority = "WMO"; :ioos_id = "urn:ioos:station:wmo:42003"; :wmo_id = "42003"; :institution = "National Data Buoy Center"; :institution_abbreviation = "NDBC"; :title = "NDBC description: Meteorological and Oceanographic Data Collected from the National Data Buoy Center\'s Weather Buoys"; :summary = "NDBC description: Over 100 moored weather buoys have been deployed in U.S. coastal and offshore waters. Weather buoy data typically include barometric pressure, wind direction, speed and gust, air temperature, sea water temperature, waves, and relative humidity. Weather buoys also measure wave energy spectra from which significant wave height, dominant wave period, average wave period and mean wave direction are derived."; :station_name = "Station 42003 (LLNR 1460) - East GULF - 208 NM West of Naples, FL "; :history = "The data were collected by the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) and archived on their website ( and in the official National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administation (NOAA) archive at National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI; Each data source has their own idiosyncrasies (Hall and Jensen, 2021, that need to be accounted for to accurately use these NBDC data within U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Engineers and Research Development Center (ERDC) products. USACE sponsored a Coastal Ocean Data Systems (CODS) National Coastal Wave Climate (NCWC) project that developed in-house USACE quality control checks and metadata corrections to develop a best available measurement archive (herewith called the USACE QCC measurement archive). Of note is that integral wave data are imported directly from the NDBC data sources, and are not corrected for calculation errors that occurred during NDBC processing from spectral wave data. The self-described, USACE QCC measurement archive data is stored in netCDF format alongside the USACE Coastal and Hydraulic Laboratory (CHL) Thredds Wave Information Study (WIS) long-term hindcast, accessible to both the USACE and the public."; :geospatial_lat_max = 26.77; // double :geospatial_lat_min = 25.99; // double :geospatial_lat_units = "degrees north"; :geospatial_lon_max = -85.6; // double :geospatial_lon_min = -86.04; // double :geospatial_lon_units = "degrees east"; :geospatial_vertical_units = "meters above mean sea level"; :geospatial_vertical_datum = "urn:x-noaa:def:datum:noaa::MSL"; :geospatial_conventions = "Positions are presented in decimal degrees with latitudes north of the equator represented as positive values and longitudes west of the Prime Meridian represented as negative values"; :depth = 3292.0; // double :depth_units = "meters below mean sea level"; :qc_manual = ""; :keywords = "Atmospheric Pressure, Sea level Pressure, Atmospheric Temperature, Surface Temperature, Dewpoint Temperature, Humidity, Surface Winds, Ocean Winds, Ocean Temperature, Sea Surface Temperature, Ocean Waves, Wave Height, Wave Period, Wave Spectra"; :keywords_vocabulary = "GCMD Science Keywords"; :restrictions = "There are no restrictions placed on these data."; :scientific_project = "None"; :flag_Conventions = "Paris. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO. 2013.Ocean Data Standards, Vol.3: Recommendation for a Quality Flag Scheme for the Exchange of Oceanographic and Marine Meteorological Data. (IOC Manuals and Guides, 54, Vol. 3.) 12 pp. (IOC/2013/MG/54-3)."; :flag_descriptions = "Good [1] = Passed documented required QC tests; Not Evaluated [2] = Used for data when no QC test performed or the information on quality is not available; Questionable/Suspect [3] = Failed non-critical documented metric or subjective test(s); \n Bad [4] = Failed critical documented QC test(s) or as assigned by the data provider; Missing Data [5] = Used as place holder when data are missing [UNESCO 2013 Ocean Data Standards Vol. 3.]."; :citation = "The National Data Buoy Center should be cited as the source of these data if used in any publication."; :distribution_statement = "There are no restrictions placed on these data."; :time_format = "UNIX EPOCH"; :time_coverage_start = "2014-10-15 11:50:00"; :time_coverage_end = "2014-10-31 23:50:00"; :date_created = "2023-05-20 00:12:20"; :processing_level = "0"; :publisher_name = "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Coastal Ocean Data Systems (CODS) Program"; :publisher_email = ""; :creator_name = "National Data Buoy Center"; :creator_url = ""; :site_elevation = "sea level"; :standard_name_vocabulary = "Standard Name Table (current version, v78, 21 September 2021);"; }